What is of primary importance then?Fear. People are afraid of the war with the West escalating. They believe if Russia concludes a peace that is somehow unfavorable [for itself], it might be attacked – such fears are out there. There are fears of new sanctions, of reparations after the end of the war, of an economic collapse if Russia loses.
Based on our interviews and focus groups, we can say that for many Russians, it is important to be confident that a peace is concluded on “favorable terms for Russia,” even if there is no understanding of what exactly those are.
What about Russia’s war aims? Do people understand them three years later?No, not at all. The main goal of the special military operation is seen as the end of the special military operation. That’s how most people understand it.
Even supporters of the special military operation live in anxiety. No one has any positive feelings about the war. Few understand why we needed to attack Ukraine.
Still, we are seeing the emergence of a new, interesting group of people who do not understand why the war was started but believe that in three years the war has revealed a lot about Russia, about the international situation, about politics and about the economy. These people think a lot became clear thanks to the war.
It became clear that Russia has enemies – this is an important discovery. It became clear who our friends are. It became clear that we need to develop our economy – and we can do it; the economy is growing.
As a rule, people who think like this are now seeing their own financial situation improving. They reason like this: sure, the situation with the war is quite alarming, but it has been a kind of test for the Russian state, economy and society.
These people donate heavily to all sorts of volunteer things in support of the special military operation and to help refugees and soldiers (see
Russia.Post here about how charity in Russia is changing). Many do not perceive the current situation as a crisis. For many, the “crisis” was the 1990s and Covid; now, these people, of course, are not delighted with the situation, but they say everything is generally OK!
In the activist/antiwar community, there is a clear link between the war and Putin. That is why they are skeptical of peace while Putin is in power. Do Russians you talk to have this association?Among antiwar Russians, broadly there is an idea that the war is a man-made event that was started as a crime committed by a specific person. But most people do not think like this. They associate the war with Putin to the extent that he needs to deal with its consequences, like sanctions. And also end the war.