Vladimir Zvonovsky
Professor at Samara State University of Economics
Based on data from a new survey, sociologist Vladimir Zvonovsky writes about how Russians’ understanding of their country’s borders has changed and what influences their views on whether a particular territory belongs to Russia.
Figure 1. Perception of whether various territories belong to Russia (2013 versus 2023, VTsIOM, ExtemeScan, %)
The 2013 data was obtained through a VTsIOM survey and represents the population of Russia within the borders of the country at that time. Sample size: 2,000 respondents. Back then, they were asked the same question: “do you think the following territories are basically Russian [rossiyskiye] and belong to Russia or basically are not Russia?”
Table 1. Perception of various territories as “truly Russian” in groups with higher and without higher education, ExtemeScan, September 2023
Figure 3. Expansion support index by geography (ExtemeScan, September 2023)
Figure 4. Expansion support index by education and income (ExtemeScan, September 2023)
Figure 6. Expansion support index in groups with different views on the SVO, withdrawal of troops from Ukraine, impact of defense spending and how potential withdrawal of Russian troops would impact the country (ExtemeScan, September 2023)